Dental Concerns

Columbus, GA dentist Dr. Albert Caves is experienced in nearly all facets of dentistry. General dentistry and preventive care are the foundation of our practice. In addition, we dedicate special attention to adult patients with complex dental problems, cosmetic dental concerns, and/or fear of the dentist. Dr. Caves has advanced training in treating teeth that are damaged, missing, or bite problems affecting the comfort or function of your smile.

Fix Your Dental Issues in Columbus, GA

treatment for dental concerns columbus ga

Dental concerns can range from common problems such as tooth decay to more complex issues as a result of trauma, tooth loss, or jaw structure. Dr. Caves takes a personalized approach to your care and works with you on an individual basis to meet your needs and aesthetic goals with conservative dentistry tailored to your needs.

Some of the most common dental concerns we treat in our Columbus, GA dental office include:

If you have any dental concerns, please share them with Dr. Caves during your next dental visit. Knowing your medical history and dental concerns will help us treat you most effectively.